My IE is broken, so I'm forced to use Netscape. I've tried re-installing IE, but it still crashes on start up. This is probably my first clue that I should move to Safari (and thus Jaguar) or something.
For my creative writing class, I wrote a poem, which I now present to you:
"Running Time"
The garbage truck rumbling
Signals it is time to wake.
Crawling out of bed still groggy,
The sweats and socks are pulled on,
the laces are tied,
the preparation for a morning run done.
The cold air bites against the warmth of my face,
my muscles tightening with each step,
as my feet glide along the grey concrete slabs.
Past cars and houses of neighbors never met,
Past schools and churches never attended,
Past a dog, never owned,
Past parks and stores never visited,
Past a jogger, never greeted.
Forgotten, I pass by.
Always looking forward, never looking back,
the journey of the run is chosen by me,
its life varied by mood and whim,
some things familiar,
some things new,
but always at the end of the run, is home.
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