It's hard to balance needs and wants sometimes... there always seems to be something to buy, that would make life so much better... but that's all a trick of marketing and commercials. There is nothing magical or special about acquiring more stuff. My place is a mix of spartan and excess... spartan in the whole furniture type things but vast excess of CDs, DVDs, books and things techie (although I tell myself that money spent on technology is ultimately wasted as new upgrades are released constantly).
My sister and I talked last night. She turned 24 a few days ago, and she was complaining to me that she was old. You're only as old as you feel. Some days I feel like I'm 28 going on 45, others I feel like I'm 28 going on 16... It just depends what I'm dealing with. Yesterday I was dealing with my car insurance company since they raised my rates again. I dropped a bunch of stuff off my policy and ended up saving almost $200 dollars. Insurance companies are horrible at protecting your property, so why pay more than you need to? Insurance companies are such a scam... if you really sit down and think about it, they are nothing more than a legalized protection racket. You pay them, for knowing that you will be "protected" if something "bad" should happen.
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