It feels good to be done with finals!
After my final yesterday, a couple of us helped Christine move from her apartment. I am broken. I bruised both of my knees, but I don't think I'll need to do any weightlifting this week.
Afterwards, we watched the extended version of The Two Towers before catching a 12:01am showing of Return of the King. We didn't get back to San Jose until 4:30am.
For a double dose of LOTR goodness, my boss decided this weekend that he was going to take the company out on Wednesday to watch Return of the King. The movie has been out for less than a day, and I've seen it twice already. Now, generally speaking I don't mind watching movies twice in the theaters, particularly if they are good movies. However, I have a bad habit of watching the Lord of the Rings films multiple times. I watched Fellowship of the Ring twice in the theaters, and The Two Towers 3 or 4 times. I'm drawing the line on 2 times for Return of the King. I am not seeing the movie again until it comes out on DVD, basically. Three and a half hours is simply too much to sit through in an uncomfortable theater seat.
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