Today was the first time in a long time where I've had to sit in traffic during my commute to work. Apparently, a southbound truck flipped over onto the northbound lanes, blocking two of the the lanes.
This whole week, due to the holiday, I've been operating one day behind, but somehow, Friday comes along, and something in my mind just says "Yes! It's Friday." Judging from the behaviours of my co-workers, they all feel the same way. Some fun links to get your Friday started:
A Blindfolded man playing Super Mario Brothers 3 theme music on the piano
Whenever people think silent films, they think Keystone Cops or Charlie Chapman movies, but the world of silent film is actually much larger than that, and
The 9th Annual San Francisco Silent Film Festival does a pretty good job of representing the variety within the genre.
If you have an hour or so to kill, you can take a look at the 2004 Star Wars Fan Film Finalists.
The majority of these are rather good. I particularly liked A Fan Letter, Pink Five Strikes Back, Recruitment, and
The Wizard, Oz.
I was listening to NPR on the ride home yesterday, and they had an interview with one of the writers of the movie The Anchorman. I love the SNL skits but I wonder if they have enough to make it as a full-length movie. However, at least the SF Chronicle gave it a sitting up man, rather than the sleeping man they gave King Arthur. Also on SF Gate is an interesting article about South Korean Films.
Although I no longer need to memorize vast pieces of information, this site which lists some memorization techniques may be useful in the future.
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