I think it's easy to forget sometimes just how wonderful the world we live on is. Instead of taking the time to enjoy ourselves and enjoy the world around us, we rush from place to place in a hurried frenzy.
I'm just about finished moving out of my old apartment and moving into my new one (there is still furniture to arrange and assemble and many boxes to unpack). There always seems so much to do that has to be done, but I've decided that there's really no need to speed through life. I'm sure the unpacking will likely take weeks if not months, and a part of me wonders why I came home so soon from my vacation.
Although I just came back from Canada, I'm heading out to Tahoe/Reno this weekend. I've never been there, and I feel like exploring new places. I already want to take another vacation.
Enjoy the moment. Relax.
Time is precious. Don't squander it.
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