A sneak peak at Nvidia's GeForce 7900 GX2 Quad-SLI graphics cards, which will retail for around $1000. Okay, just stop for a moment and read that last sentence again. Quad-SLI? $1000? Gaming may be a lifestyle, but I don't know many gamers who could afford to drop that much bank on a graphics card. It's simply ridiculous.
Instructables: Do it yourself tutorials, including
how to build a lightsaber for $33 in plumbing supplies from the Home Despot and the Pac-Man LED bike lights
Top 10 vehicles owned by billionaires
At Pizza Hut, you can get the salad, but can only go up to the salad bar once. I may have posted it before, but there's some photos of Taiwanese students piling it on at the Salad Bar in Pizza Hut.
smart Cars coming to the U.S.
Eight graders build a 24ft. roller coaster at school.
A Source of Asthma uncovered
One of the most interesting panels at SXSW Interactive 2006 was The Future of Darknets, moderated by JD Lasica. And while the concept of Darknets - communities using private subnetworks to communicate and collaborate out of view of the larger internet - is indeed fascinating, the panel was not interesting because of the intended topic. In fact, we never actually got to hear much about DarkNets, much to my disappointment, because the panel was hijacked the moment one panelist said, "Hello, my name is Kori Bernards, and I'm from the Motion Picture Association of America."
It's filled with great stories of an industry gone mad, and has a podcast of the whole thing.
100 hours of Star Wars on TV, coming soon.
Bookcrossing, an interesting idea where you read a book, and set it free in the wild (coffee shops, park benches, etc) for other people to read and release.
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