Star Wars: The Franchise Menace

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I have no problem with Lucasfilm finally releasing the unaltered versions on DVD. In fact, given their stance on re-releases of the original trilogy, I'm really surprised at their decision on such a radical move. And just for the record, every version placed on video for the Star Wars trilogy has been altered in some way from the theatrical cut, and I will predict that the "theatrical editions" will be made from the masters that were used to make the Special Edition cuts of the trilogy. As I see it, this move to produce yet another edition of Star Wars is a last minute attempt to make a grab for the money on DVD before everyone begins to convert their media library to Blu-ray or HD-DVD, and then in another 10 years, we can expect the remasted definitive Blu-Ray/HD-DVD version.

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On a different note, I was having a rather heated discussion about whether blu-ray had a future, since it wasn't so long ago that DVDs became the mainstream standard (meaning movies weren't being released on VHS anymore) and everyone re-bought their film libraries in DVD, and so most people will not spend another fortune re-buying their movies in blu-ray, especially since blu-ray machines are around $400 right now. So, does blu-ray have a future?

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