Gaiman Count: 14, maybe 15


Last night at Kepler's while standing in line to get items signed, kwc started to count the number of Gaiman items he owned. parakkum and littlestar combined ownership wasn't enough to topple kwc's list of stuff. Mine isn't either. Of course, I don't have the other 9 volumes of Sandman to pad my count, which is just as well, as it makes space for the Absolute editions of the Sandman (which I may purchase after seeing what changes they made to the coloring)

  1. Neverwhere
  2. Stardust (illustrated book)
  3. Stardust (mass market paperback)
  4. American Gods
  5. Smoke and Mirrors
  6. Preludes and Nocturnes (The Sandman Vol. 1) -- Purchased with delusions of grandeur of being my typical completionist self. The new edition has me wondering whether I will actually complete it.
  7. Books of Magic
  8. Marvel 1602
  9. Sandman: The Dream Hunters
  10. Endless Nights
  11. Harlequin Valentine
  12. Death: the High Cost of Living
  13. Death: Time of your life
  14. Warning: Contains Language (audio CD)
  15. The Sandman: Book of Dreams -- this one was edited by Gaiman, with the brief introductions by Gaiman, does it count?

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