Mazinga Z (or Tranzor Z) is a well-known robot manga created by artist Go Nagai in the 1970s. In the early 80s, I had several of these robots including a 3-foot high plastic version with firing chest rockets and fist rockets(likely a bookleg, as it was blue and yellow in my recollection) as well as a smaller die cast version(in the proper colors). In Japan, there are still many fans of Go Nagai and Mazinga Z, and they release new toys for the adult market even though the series ended long ago.
This toy is the most highly detailed Mazinga Z I've seen (even more than the original Soul of Chogokin), with Jet Scrander, Hover Pilder, Jet Pilder, Iron Cutter and Rocket Punch arms, and Missile Punch belly.
Available at HobbyLink Japan
His female robot companions Diana and Venus are also available, and equally as detailed.
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