A couple of weeks ago, I noticed that the Amazon personalized Gold Box was gone. I always loved the personalized goldbox, and sure, sometimes the items they listed came from left field (for some reason, they put in camping goods in my goldbox) but at least those deals were mine. Now they've moved the goldbox to be more woot!-like. One item listed, for all Amazon buyers. This fails to impress me (plus everytime I've seen the offer, it's been sold out), but this afternoon, they've finally given into customer demands and updated the Gold Box
to be a little more like the old one, except instead of manually flipping through the ten items, they've listed out all of the 10 items that you can select from on the right hand side of the page. To me, this was a rather non-intuitive place to put them, as it didn't really register on the first glance. But they are there, located on the right side of main offer.
Good job on bringing the personalized offers back, Amazon, now put them where we're more likely to notice them -- like under the main offer.
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