One of the nice things about getting a membership for the San Diego Comic Con is that admission to APE (Alternative Press Expo) is free. Since APE is focused more on indie comics and publications, it is a much less frenetic convention than either WonderCon or the SDCC.
We sought out to find the Nucleus/Flight booth right away, and Kazu was nice enough to let us see the working draft of the first book of Amulet, a five book series to be published by Scholastic this fall. It looks great, and I'm really looking forward to its release.
As we wandered the hall, we came across the Greatest Coffee T-Shirt Ever which makes for a great gag gift, but I'd be shocked if I ever saw anyone wearing it.
I picked up a copy of the Ancient Book of Myth and War, which is this beautiful orange book put out by Pixar artists Scott Morse, Don Shank, Lou Romano and Nate Wragg. Three of the four were there at APE, and they painted and drew on my book.
At APE, there was also a booth promoting the Super-Con, to be held in San Jose Convention Center on June 2 and 3. So, it's beginning to look like downtown San Jose will be invaded for two weeks in a row -- first by anime fans for Fanime, and then by comic book fans for Super-Con.
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