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Comic-Con 2008: Triumph The Wonder Dog

They sent Triumph the Wonder Dog to Comic Con to promote his new DVD, and he returned with 10 minutes of making fun of con-goers. Scott Kurtz of PvP is one of the targets, who manages to pimp his Skull, Troll plushie.

Triumph also had a panel for TV Funhouse, and gave a rousing speech:

In looking at the con floor footage, it feels as if even the pro cameramen had a hard time filming in the packed convention center.

Bowser's Minions

Viewer Discretion is Advised:

Diesel Sweeties

One of the first webcomics I obsessively read was Diesel Sweeties, which has a style which resembles the pixel-painted early PC adventure game art (it reminds me of Maniac Mansion, both in visual style and off-key humor).


Coincidentally, the number of this comic strip is 1977, the same year Star Wars released.

Issues for Presidential Candidates to Think About

It occurs me that I don't really know how the different candidates for President stand on the issues. While the nomination for the Democratic candidate is still up in the air, the Republicans have pretty much decided on John McCain as their candidate.

Here's how they stand on the really popular issues:

Barack Obama

John McCain

Hillary Clinton

Obama is the only candidate who is thinking about Technology, but McCain is the only one who is thinking about the U.S. Space Program, and Hillary is busy thinking about strengthening the middle class.

And while all of that is important, those aren't the real issues I'm worried about. I want to know how they feel about issues such as nanotechnology, which only 29.1 percent of Americans find morally acceptable, or what the President will do if we are attacked by alien visitors. Can John McCain fly a F-16 Eagle like President Whitmore did in '96? Will Hillary be strong enough to lead us amongst the stars toward the Twelve Colonies in a reversal of President Roslin's actions despite her chamalla addiction? Will Obama's plans be enough to save us from a comet headed for earth? Can Obama keep Evil at bay by recruiting Corben Dallas as President Lindberg did in '97?, or will he call upon the services of Jack Bauer as President Palmer did in 2002? What are the candidate's policies on mutants, and how do they stand on the Mutant Registration Act? How do we know that John McCain isn't a blue-skinned shapeshifter in disguise as Senator Kelly was?

McCain reminds me all too much of the href="">dethroned Emperor Palpatine who had to be ousted from power in 1983 in a coup d'etat by Lord Vader and a band of insurgents led by his son. But ultimately, I'm opposed to
whoever wants to continue funding Skynet

Ann Coulter's Godless is #1 Poop Result on Amazon

My sister, who works in public health, sent me this little gem about Amazon's results for products tagged with poop -- Ann Coulter's Godless shows up as the #1 result, with 9 instances of 'poop'. Other top tags include: hateful (143), lies (101), propaganda (80), evil (73), fascist (64), hateful divisive political rhetoric (49), and horsecrap (48). What I find interesting about the tag "hateful divisive political rhetoric" is that 49 people all tagged it the same 4 words -- it's not "divisive political" or "hateful rhetoric" but "hateful divisive political rhetoric". I'd guess it likely that whoever tagged it "hateful divisive political rhetoric" probably also correctly tagged it "horsecrap" too.

Also coming in high on the poop chart is Fox News host Bill O'Reilly's book, Culture Warrior, which happens to be tied with Poop Culture: How America Is Shaped by Its Grossest National Product.

All the tagging tells us is something that we all knew before: that Ann Coulter is synonymous with poop, lies and propaganda

Ann Coulter's Godless is #1 Poop Result on Amazon

My sister, who works in public health, sent me this little gem about Amazon's results for products tagged with poop -- Ann Coulter's Godless shows up as the #1 result, with 9 instances of 'poop'. Other top tags include: hateful (143), lies (101), propaganda (80), evil (73), fascist (64), hateful divisive political rhetoric (49), and horsecrap (48). What I find interesting about the tag "hateful divisive political rhetoric" is that 49 people all tagged it the same 4 words -- it's not "divisive political" or "hateful rhetoric" but "hateful divisive political rhetoric". I'd guess it likely that whoever tagged it "hateful divisive political rhetoric" probably also correctly tagged it "horsecrap" too.

Also coming in high on the poop chart is Fox News host Bill O'Reilly's book, Culture Warrior, which happens to be tied with Poop Culture: How America Is Shaped by Its Grossest National Product.

All the tagging tells us is something that we all knew before: that Ann Coulter is synonymous with poop, lies and propaganda

Pokemon Pan Commercial

Pokemon Pan as in "bread", not as in Pokemon Cake Pan.

Touring the Museum of Creative Inaccuracy

Way back in June, John Scalzi posts about how the creation museum opened up down the street from from him, and how he refuses to visit. This of course, incited one particular reader of his blog who said that

    "Scalzi should not be allowed to get off so easily. The Whatever Community needs to rise up and DEMAND he pay a visit to this important cultural center ASAP. In fact, we need to give him an irresistible reason to go. Here's my idea: not only will I pay the price of the Scalzi family tickets to the Creation museum, I will donate an amount matching the price of those tickets to the charity of John's choice... but only AFTER he files a comprehensive report about his visit on the Whatever.

    Are there any other Whatever readers willing to make a modest donation to a Scalzish charity to compel a Creation Museum visit? C'mon, let's pass the digital hat. Who's in????!?!?!"

which followed in a counter by Scalzi, who put his going price by raising $250 by the end of the week to force a visit.

    I will go to the Creation Museum and file a full, detailed and delightfully snarklicious report of the trip IF AND ONLY IF I receive at least $250 in donations via PayPal by 11:59pm NEXT FRIDAY, June 15, 2007. ALL the proceeds (minus PayPal's processing bite) will then be donated to Americans United for Separation of Church and State, an organization which for sixty years has striven to keep the chunky peanut butter of religion out of the dusky chocolate of good government.

Not only did the donations hit the $250 mark, it raised 256 times that amount, $5,118.36 to be exact. True to his word,
Scalzi then wrote a full report of his tour, complete with commentary and photographs , including gems like this one about dinosaurs being in the museum:

    Are dinosaurs 65 million years old? As if -" the Earth is just six thousand years old, pal! Dinosaurs were in the garden of Eden -" and vegetarians, at least until the fall, so thanks there, Adam. They were still around as late as the mid-third millenium BC; they were hanging with the Sumerians and the Egyptians (or, well, could have). All those fossils? Laid down by the Noah-s Flood, my friends. Which is not to say there weren-t dinosaurs on the Ark. No, the Bible says all kinds of land animals were on the boat, and dinosaurs are a subset of "all kinds." They were there, scaring the crap out of the mammals, probably. Why did they die off after the flood? Well, who can say. Once the flood-s done, the Creation Museum doesn-t seem to care too much about what comes next; we-re in historical times then, you see, and that-s all Exodus through Deuteronomy, ie., someone else-s problem.

    But seriously, the ability to just come out and put on a placard that the Jurassic era is temporally contiguous with the Fifth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom of Egypt -" well, there-s a word for that, and that word is chutzpah. Because, look, that-s something you really have to sell if you want anyone to buy it. It-s one thing to say to people that God directly created the dinosaurs and that they lived in the Garden of Eden. It-s another thing to suggest they lived long enough to harass the Minoans, and do it with a straight face.


It's a bit early in the week to be overloaded with cute, but I had to share:


More kitties at

History of LOLCats


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